Unisa Social Work Course 2022

About Unisa Social Work Course 2022

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Are you planning to study social work at Unisa? Do you want to know more about the social work programme? If you have answered yes to the questions above, read further below to get more understanding of Unisa Social work qualification in 2022.

Social Work Course Offered at Unisa

Unisa offers a Social Work Course which is a 4 year course. It is a Level 8 qualification which means when you have completed the course you will be awarded an honours degree. The current social work qualification code is 90088, SAQA ID 101834, it has 552 credits.

Who can register for this course?

Applicants may only register once they have received confirmation from Unisa that their application for admission has been accepted.

Social Worker Course at Unisa and fees in 2022

The social worker course fees at Unisa depend on the number of modules registered. You may get an online quotation or calculate your fees online.

How to Calculate Unisa Course Fees?

Here are the steps you can follow to calculate course fees to get estimation how much your modules will cost.

Step 1: Go to The Unisa Course you intend to study for.

Step 2: Also open the Unisa Quotation Page separately

Step 3: Enter the Qualification code on the space provider on the quotation page.

Step 4: Select Yes on No on the questions asked on the quotation page.

 Step 5: Enter Module codes for the ones you want to register for. Each code on a separate space provided.

Step 6: Hit or tap ‘Display”

I still need more information

You may find more about this qualification at Unisa’s website here.

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