Awaiting Academic Eligibility NSFAS

Awaiting Academic Eligibility Check Meaning | NSFAS

NSFAS Updates

If you have applied for NSFAS and you see ‘awaiting academic eligibility check’ this is what it means.

Before we go to that particular aspect, let’s check other related NSFAS statuses meanings.

Status : Awaiting Financial Eligibility Check

This means: Application has been evaluated, the next step is to check if the student is financially eligible by doing the means test , this step hasn’t happened yet.

Status: Awaiting Academic Results/Admission

This means that NSFAS is checking your academic results and your institution admission status to ensure that you meet the requirements to be funded by NSFAS.

Many find themselves to stay on this step for a while. This is because NSFAS has to wait for information from your chosen institution.

Status: Awaiting Academic Eligibility Check

This is the same as ‘awaiting for academic results check’ It means that NSFAS is waiting for your results to see if you are still eligible for the funding. Here are more NSFAS info
