Check NSFAS Status 2022 for New and Returning Students
How to Check my NSFAS Status 2022
Here are the details on how to track NSFAS application status online. You can check NSFAS application status online 2022. If you have applied for NSFAS bursary for 2022 academic year, you must be worrying when you will know whether your application was approved or not. Below you will find steps to follow to check NSFAS status 2022.
Table of Contents
Step to track NSFAS status 2022: For New students
Step1: Log in to the MyNSFAS student portal at the official NSFAS website.
Step 2: Enter your username, password, and click on SIGN IN.
Step 3: Search for Track Funding Progress and click on it.
Once you have gained access, you can see the current status of your application. If you have a message that reads, “Provisionally Approved,” you may contact your school to ask for further assistance.
How to check NFAS status for returning students?
Meaning of different NSFAS Statuses
You may find different messages concerning your NSFAS application status. Here are the details on the meaning of your application status.
Successfully Funded
This means that you’re successful with your application. It means that the application you sent was successfully processed and the funding process is already complete. If you see this status, the next thing you must do is to register then start attending your classes.
Eligible for Funding but Awaiting Confirmation of Academic Admission
If you get this status, it means that you have qualified for funding but you still need confirmation of admission from the institution as the NSFAS hasn’t received this yet. For this status, you have to contact the Financial Aid Office of the institution and inform to follow-up.
Verifying the Household Income with Third-Party Sources
This status means that your household income is still under the process of verification. Credit bureaus are the ones in charge of doing this. They need to verify that the income you declared is less than the threshold of R350,000.
If you see this status, you don’t have to do anything. Just wait for a message that will inform you of the approval of your funding and the confirmation of your academic admission.
Awaiting Evaluation
This status means that NSFAS has already received your application but a caseworker still needs to evaluate it. This process ensures that all of the information you provided in your application has been accurately captured. With this kind of status, you just have to wait – you don’t have to do anything else. You will also wait for a message that will inform you of the approval of your funding and the confirmation of your academic admission.
Application Unsuccessful
This status can mean different things. First, it may mean that you have a threshold income of over R350,000. Second, it may mean that you don’t qualify for NSFAS. Third, it might mean that you haven’t received admission to a TCET college or university. For this status, there is nothing further you must do.
NSFAS 2022 Appeal
If your application has been rejected or declined, you can make an appeal from Monday 24 January 2022. NSFAS will open for appeals to be submitted by those who think they have been wrongly rejected.
How to Contact National Financial Aids Scheme (NSFAS)
Here below are the contact details for national Financial Aid Scheme
For general, student and NSFAS Wallet enquiries
For all other queries regarding students:
Tel No.: 08000 67327
Postal Address
University and TVET College documents
Private Bag X4, Plumstead 7801, South Africa
Postal Address
NSFAS Wallet documents
Private Bag X6, Plumstead 7801, South Africa
Physical Address
10 Brodie Road, House Vincent 2nd Floor, Wynberg, Cape Town 7700
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