Life After Matric

Life After Matric | Take Left or Take Right | Make a Choice

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Life after matric may be so, vividly imaginable for some, but it may be too blank for most young people in South Africa. With the majority of them coming from disadvantaged backgrounds, one can only hope for the best.

What does Life After Matric Look Like?

Can you imagine yours and draw a picture of what it might look like? Well, it starts with how you want to shape it. No matter the circumstances, you are in control somehow.

What Happens After Matric?

There are several things that could happen post grade 12. We group them into positives (right turn) and negatives (left turn).

Let’s list a few possible positive turns:

Go to tertiary institution
Go to TVET college
Get a workspace learnership
Get a job

Let’s list a few possible negative turns

Stay at home and not study
No additional skills or training received
​Hard to find a job

But how can you turn your life around if it took a left turn?

Like I said above, you are in control somehow. Start planning for the possibilities of post-matric life. Imagine you don’t get admission to an institution of higher learning, what will you do? Would you just lay back and relax? No, you have to do something. Some of the things you can do is to look for things to improve your life to get where you want it to be.

One of the things to consider is to look for learnerships to equip you with skills to help you to be more employable and even get access to institutions of higher learning as your grades improve.

Read also: What to do While Waiting for Matric Results

What to Do While Waiting for Matric Results
What to Do While Waiting for Matric Results

You may also start looking for jobs with your matric results. There are institutions that are frequently looking for people with grade 12 for employment. While you are working, register with long-distance institutions such as Unisa and continue with your studies.

It takes time for a human being to see success in life. Take the KFC Colonel story, for example. The man has cracked his recipe at the age of retirement, and now we are all finger licking because he never gave up on his dreams. Even those who get a university admission may encounter challenges when it comes to getting employment.

Read also: What to do When You Get Your Matric Results in 2024

If the study option is not working and the job option also rejects you, you may consider side hustling. Whatever little income you get, start something. Sell some products or provide a service for others to get your life going. If it means to sell pap or magwinya on the street, do it. All good things start with humble beginnings.

As we conclude

Life after matric can either take a left turn or a right turn, but you can turn things around. Take bold steps to shape your future. Do not throw a towel, there is no space for giving up.

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See Other Matric-Related info below

Matric Results Release Date for 2023
