Sassa News : Sassa Urges Beneficiaries to Protect their Grants
Sassa has send out flyers on their social media pages in various South African languages urging their beneficiaries to protect their grants.
The flyers are asking if the beneficiaries are getting some unauthorised debit orders. Then it goes on and inform the beneficiary of the steps to do if they are experiencing some unauthorised activities on their accounts.
The message reads:
Do you have deduction/s on your social grant that you did not consent to? Please follow the instructions below to lodge a dispute. This will be done through an automated process.
This is what to do:
Send an SMS to Q-link on 345548 to dispute the unauthorised deduction. On your SMS please include the following information:
- Topic: Dispute
- ID Number:
- Name and surmame : (as thy appear on the ID)
- FSP Name: The company you are lodging a dispute against
- Duration of the policy : How long has the policy been deducting
- Reason for dispute: I never signed a contract/misrepresentation
Here is the flyer in English.
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