What to Do While Waiting for Matric Results

What to Do While Waiting for Matric Results 2025

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On this article, will discuss about What to Do While Waiting for Matric Results?

After writing your matric examinations, the next thing you can do is to wait for the matric results. But what could you do between the waiting period? Here are some of the things to do while waiting for matric results in 2025.

1. Apply for Bursaries for the Next academic Year

Bursaries are one of the popular means of study funding for most of South African students. Being from a disadvantaged background, one have to get some financial assistance. With government entities and government departments available to lend a helping hand, you can apply for bursaries for the upcoming study period.

Are there Bursaries Open for 2025?

Bursaries such as Funza Lushaka are still open for 2025 applications. They usually closes around January of the academic year in question. So make time to apply for these bursaries and search for more bursaries.

2.Check Your University Application Status

While waiting for your matric results, be sure to check your university application status online. You may loginto your university’student portal to track your application. Some of the application status could be pending waiting for matric results to be uploaded. Make time to frequently visit the univeristy portal to trace your application status.

3. Prepare Yourself for Option B

Have a plan in mind if the results come back unsatisfactorily, what would you do? Would you go back to school full time to try and improve your matric results? Would you go to matric rewrite colleges? Or you would rather go to a TVET college and take the vocational training programmes? You may also consider second chance matric support programme. Think about such options in advance so that when the results come, you already know what to do.

4. Prepare Yourself for The Tertiary Environment

When you pass your matric, the next level you will be going to is a different level. You have to be prepared to go to this new level. 

You will be away from home (prepare yourself to leave home). 

You will be away from current friends (prepare for long distance friendship and making new friends)

No more strict high school teachers (prepare to study on your own without being forced)

Freedom at last (You think you will have total freedom from the parents but you have to prepare on managing your time and still get good results)

Have you find these tips useful, if yes, help someone to find it by hitting the share buttons and share on the platform of your choice. Good luck for your matric results and good luck for your next tertiary study level.

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